Foundation Fundraiser
P3/East Foundation is raising funds to complete the final essential element of the Studio on the Cape: the floor boards.
Steve has identified a semi-gloss Maple at 2 1/4″ width to complete the floor and we are seeking to raise funds as the final expense to complete the P3/East Studio on the Cape Project. Begun in 2015 and located in East Sandwich, MA, the P3/East Studio on the Cape is the new home base for the practice, development, and exploration of the P3/East Methodology and production development for Pacific Performance Project/East led by Founding Artistic Directors, Robyn Hunt and Steve Pearson. Once complete, we are thrilled to welcome students and collaborators to this space to train, commune, and create.
Each board purchased is a meaningful contribution to this effort.
Thank you for your support!!
The P3/East Foundation is a 501(c)3 Organization and all donations are Tax-deductible
The Studio Construction
Many hands make light work
A special thank you to all those who invested in their time, artistry, skill, sweat, and love into the construction of the P3/East Studio at the Cape
2015 – 2023 Build Crew:
Steve Pearson & Robyn Hunt
Jesse Hinson, Daniel Hill, Lenne Klingaman, Mark Christine, Doug Lockwood, David Fraioli, Devon Smith, Scott Giugere, Peter Kyle, Weldon and Luetta Friesen, Nicole Dietze, Josh Maichin, Ruby Vega
Kim Carton
Amanda Hilson
Ryan Krause
Michael Place
Andrew McMasters
Mary Lindsey McMasters
Fia Skye
Kai Skye
Jeremy Winchester
And 5 Summers of investment from the incomparable
Don Russell